Friday 12 December 2008

Treatment for the Opening

in my opening two minute film i will show a series of establishing shots to set the scene of the film to the audience as well as introduce part of the storyline and one character to who would star in the film latter on.

i plan to show a montage of images as my introduction and opening credits mixed with some high tempo music to establish the mood of the film as being very upbeat with some style. the montage will include familiar shot of london, making sure to include certain elements like the black cabs and red buses, to introduce the audience to the location of where the film will be.

i will the include an image of a train journey to show that the film is being taken to another location.

i will then go to the main body of the film, starring both actors and the bad guy being followed by the detective.

the film will have two voice overs in order to give the audience some idea of the storyline but not giving away too much in the first two minutes. this voice over will also introduce the first character of the story.

i felt it neccessary to include these voice overs because the film style is quite minimalistic and so in the first two minutes the audience would not have known a lot about the storyline.

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